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Page 4

Ravi chuckled, and turned away before glancing back over his shoulder. “By the way, did you take a look at the base of the owl?”

  Cassie looked at him, her eyebrows raised as she wondered how he could have known about it. As though amused by her surprise, he grinned and gave her a brief salute. Then he vanished.

  Cassie yelped and stared at the empty space before her, her hands clamped over her mouth.

  Our landlord just disappeared into nothing. That just happened.

  When she felt that she could move again, Cassie walked forward, waving her hands in front of her as though she would be able to still feel Ravi standing there.

  How the hell did he do that?

  Cassie hurried back the shelves and pulled the owl down, turning it over to inspect its base. She held it up closer as she tried to read an inscription.

  To my dear Cassiopeia, happy anniversary. With all my love until the end of time, Ravi.

  All Cassie could do was stare at it, reading the words but not understanding them.

  What the f…

  As the front door slammed, Cassie jumped and walked towards the foyer just in time to see Selene throw the front door open and storm in, her expression thunderous.

  “So, the date went well?” Cassie joked, but Selene remained silent as she continued into the kitchen.

  “Uh, did something happen?” she asked Marek as he appeared in the doorway.

  “You could say that. Has anything happened here? Anything out of the ordinary?” he asked, stopping at the doorway as he peered in after Selene, but she was out of sight.

  “Out of the ordinary?” It was all Cassie could do not to laugh. Everything they’d experienced since arriving in Auberon was out of the ordinary. “Like what?”

  Marek shrugged. “Just anything that seemed strange…”

  “Well if you call the landlord rocking up before disappearing into thin air strange…” Cassie tried to make it sound like she was joking as she gauged his reaction.

  “Ravi was here? How long ago?” Marek asked.

  “He left right before you arrived.” Cassie said, her laughter falling away as she saw the serious expression of Marek’s face.

  “Anything else?” he asked, but Cassie shook her head, not wanting to say any more until they had Addie back.

  “Do you mind if I come in for a bit?” he asked.

  “Only if you tell me what’s going on,” Cassie agreed as she stepped aside.

  Marek nodded again and strode into the foyer. “Can you get Selene? I don’t think I’m her favorite person at the moment, but it’s important I speak to you both.”

  “Uh, okay. I’d say she’s probably in the kitchen. Let’s just go in there.” Cassie led the way, but as she walked into the kitchen, she saw Selene standing at the windows, looking out into the garden.

  “Hey, Selene, Marek needs to talk to us,” Cassie said quietly, taking a seat at the kitchen island while Marek leaned against the door frame.

  “Selene?” Cassie prompted, when her friend didn’t turn around.

  “There is a really big dog outside. Actually, it looks more like a wolf,” Selene replied without turning around. Cassie jumped off the stool and hurried over for a closer look.

  Outside, in the middle of the garden, sat the largest dog Cassie had ever seen.

  Or is it a wolf?

  Its shoulders were broad for an animal, and its paws looked as big as her own hands. Its fur was grey, darker on the ears and along the nose, but it also seemed to have a purple tinge to it along its chest. Cassie heard Marek walk up behind them before going to the door and stepping outside.

  “Wait! It might be dangerous!” Selene cried, but he ignored them.

  As he approached the animal, it raised its paw up to Marek, who extended his hand and shook it.

  “Are you seeing this?” Cassie asked Selene.

  “I don’t know what I’m seeing anymore,” Selene replied, not taking her eyes off the animal and Marek, her hand pressed to the glass.

  As they watched, Marek stepped aside, and the animal’s paw returned to the ground as the pair of them looked up at the manor.

  “What are they looking at?” Selene asked.

  “I have no idea. But I want to find out.” Cassie stepped back from the window.

  “Wait for me!” Selene said and followed her.

  Cassie led them out to Marek and the animal, who didn’t move a muscle as they approached. Cassie stood next to them and looked up at the house, Selene beside her.

  “Uh, what are we looking at?” Selene asked in a whisper. Cassie was about to tell her that she didn’t know, when she noticed a slight glimmer from a section of the wall on the second floor. She raised her hand up to point it out to Selene.

  “What is that?” Selene asked.

  “Yeah, Marek, what is that?” Cassie turned to him but he didn’t answer.

  Suddenly the house seemed to shudder and shake, as though there was an earthquake, yet the ground was stable where they stood.

  “Something’s happening inside!” Cassie declared as she ran back in.

  “Wait! Is that a good idea?” Selene yelled after her, but Cassie didn’t care. She just wanted answers.

  Inside, a roar sounded through the house, as loud as a train running through the subway—and it seemed to originate from the floor above. Cassie ran towards the stairs and took them two at a time. As her feet hit the landing, there came a flash of brilliant purple light from the middle of the hallway. She threw her arm up over her eyes to protect them from the flash, only lowering it again once it subsided.

  “What the… Addie?!”


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  By Tara Weeks

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  If you liked DESTINY IN DANGER, you will want to continue your journey with our next installment of this five-book series:



  Click here for Destiny Revealed


  Bestselling author Tara Weeks is a natural-born storyteller who loves all things magic. She was hooked on Dracula early in her life and spread her wings from there. Tara resides in the beautiful foothills of Oregon with her husband and two children.

  She loves hiking with her family, horseback riding in the hills, the smell of pine needles in the air and her faithful golden retriever Brik.

  How does it get any better than this!

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  The Auberon Witches Series Books 1-4

  Click here to get Destiny Awaits

  Click here to get Destiny Unlocked

  Click here to get Destiny In Danger

  Click here to get (Pre-order) Destiny Revealed